Monday, October 26, 2009

Attention Tactile People!

We are currently working on upholstering one of the toilets so that it may be transformed into a seating device a.k.a a chair. Amanda and I are cutting out recycled swatch samples of awesomely tactile upholstery fabric, graciously donated by local Gartner’s and Kirkish furniture stores, into different size squares and rectangles so that they may be sewn into a quilt-like pattern that will create a unique slip cover for the toilet seat. It was made to sit on already, why not make it a seat you want to sit on instead of a seat you have to sit on!

After struggling with math and measurements, Amanda and I gave in—mostly me—and resorted to stencils (that we made ourselves out of cardboard) which sped up the process radically. Now all that is left is to cut out the rest of the fabric samples, sew them together and finish the slip cover for the seat of our well-on-it’s-way-to-becoming-a-chair toilet. We will post images when it is complete!

If you have any suggestions, comments, or crazy ideas please leave a comment!


Monday, October 19, 2009

Take a Seat!

The toilet project is officially entering the chair phase of the project! We are trying to improve the ergonomics of the toilet seat itself and make the toilets more visually pleasing... to remove the "ick" factor. Please post comments on this blog or on our Facebook page with any chair ideas or suggestions... we want to hear what you think! Also please post any reuse ideas that you may have implemented in your own homes!

Here is one potential seating idea to get your juices flowing... beach chairs!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Permission to Dock

Started second unit to the docking system. Just trying to find the best solution on how to attach them together to make them a docking system. If you have any input please, please leave comment and feedback on here or our facebook page. Thank you have a nice day.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Newspaper Article

The toilet project was featured on the Daily Mining Gazette's, the local news paper, front page yesterday. Please check out a copy of the article online at the link below!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dock Potential

The second prototype was a success and plans have been made, with a few modifications, to implement it as a removable dock for a local nature center. If successful... there may be many uses for this solution! Pictures will be added soon, once the prototype is finished, and it stops raining. Yesterday the first half was finished. A second unit will be constructed to test possible joining mechanisms, and then the first decent weather day will lead to water testing! We will keep you all posted.